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Please Note: Not all of the objects on this website are on display at the museum.
Editorial Consultant: Rod Burman |
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4 PIN VALVE WITH SIDE CONNECTION, 1920's Unidentified valve with a 4-pin base and a further connection on the side. This connection would be for a further grid, making this a four-electrode valve; this extra grid is probably a space charge grid that was introduced by Irving Langmuir in 1913. The space charge grid is positively biased and spaced between the control grid and cathode. Alternately it could be a bi-grid type where the extra grid is used to control separately the anode current. The valve is marked 6V, (Heater voltage.!) A1774 |
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COSSOR 6V6 VALVE of 1937 A.C.Cossor 6V6G Valve is a Beam Power Tetrode first introduced in 1937; it is used in the output stages of Receivers and amplifiers either in push pull or single ended circuits to power the loudspeaker. A1766 |
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MULLARD 5-10 AMPLIFIER of 1959 Mullard in their Book ‘Circuits for Audio Amplifiers’ in 1959 included the Mullard 5-10 amplifier; the book cost 8/6d, and it was an immediate success for amateur builders of the time. The amplifier incorporated 5 X valves 2 EL84's in the output stage operating in 'Push Pull' mode an ECC83 as Buffer and phase splitter together with an EF86 first stage and an EZ81 as a full wave rectifier. Producing 10 Watts at less than 0.03% harmonic distortion into a 15 Ohm loudspeaker, this was Monophonic sound, two units would be required for Stereo, but this was still in it's infancy in 1959, and Mono recordings were still being sold at the time. This unit was built around 1964 by the author who had previously made the Mullard 3-3 amplifier, see item A1647. A Pre amplifier was also shown in the same book and included crystal pick up magnetic pick up, and Radio and Microphone inputs, a stereo version was also available, the author used a Decca Deram ceramic cartridge with the mono 2 X valve unit. Be the first to write a comment about this objectA1646 |
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MULLARD 3-3 AMPLIFIER of 1959 Mullard in their Book ‘Circuits for Audio Amplifiers’ in 1959 included the Mullard 3-3 amplifier; the book cost 8/6d, and it was an immediate success for amateur builders of the time. The amplifier incorporated 3 X valves 1 EL84 in the output stage an EF86 first stage and an EZ80 as a full wave rectifier. Producing 3 Watts at less than 0.05% harmonic distortion into a 15 Ohm loudspeaker, this was Monophonic sound, two units would be required for Stereo, but this was still in it's infancy in 1959, and Mono recordings were still being sold at the time. This unit was built around 1963 by the author who had later made the Mullard 5-10 amplifier, see item A1646. The author used a Decca Deram ceramic cartridge with this unit. On the front are controls for volume treble and bass, the knobs are not fitted. Be the first to write a comment about this objectA1647 |
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HIVAC XY 1.4A VALVE, 1940's Triode valve of 1937 for small battery equipment. Similar to the type used in the Proximity fuse Item A0478 but not as robust. Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0617 |
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MINITURE VALVE TYPE CV480 TETRODE, 1940's Pre Transistor Valves got smaller in an attempt to miniaturize equipment, particularly military items. This was just one unit made by STC at Harlow either before or during WW2. A Tetrode marked CV480-789 A1423 |
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KERR CELL, 1930's This is not a Baird grid cell but a similar type. A Kerr cell is a device for the electrical modulation of light. The cell consists of a transparent container filled with nitro-benzene. Polarized light is passed through the liquid and between two banks of metal plates resembling the plates of a variable capacitor. As the potential across the two banks of plates is varied, so the polarised light beam is more or less rotated, away from the axis of rotation. Baird used these in experiments for television and one is present in his 'Televisor'. Further research was done to try and produce high definition television but this was unsuccessful due to the internal capacitance of the cell. A further drawback not directly connected with the Kerr cell, is the fact that light-modulation of this type is of use only with mechanical methods of scanning, and these, in themselves, are clumsy and unsatisfactory for high definition. Rev. John Kerr (1824 - 1907) was a Scottish physicist who inaugurated the field of electro-optics. View 1 comment about this objectA1383 |
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STC V240C/2K, 1940's Known as a Velocity Modulated Valve or 'Heil' tube for use as a Microwave a oscillator and requires a magnetic field for operation with the Anode connected by a Housekeeper seal (the copper disc), invented by A.A.A. Housekeeper, who solved the problem of making ductile metals bond to glass. A0643 |
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COLD CATHODE OR TRIGGER TUBE, 1950's Cold Cathode tube loosely referred to as a trigger tube, used in electronic calculators having three elements a cathode anode and trigger element. A0702 |
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HIVAC TRIGGER TUBE, 1950's Device triggers like a neon at certain predetermined voltage , The trigger tube other wise known as a cold cathode tube fires or triggers when the voltage across is high enough. Can only be extinguished by lowering or removing the voltage. A0856 |
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STC R3 VALVE, 1920's Made by STC in their Micromesh range, it is a rectifier valve of the late 1920's Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0631 |
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MARCONI ROUND 'CA' VALVE, 1913 First produced in 1913 the grid and anode connection are on the side, the tube at the top contains asbestos which when heated drive a gas into the body of the valve and thus the vacuum could be brought to a proper degree of softness and thereby restore the characteristic curve to it's normal shape. The soft vacuum three electrode valve intended as an amplifier was much superior to any which had preceded it. The third electrode was introduced by Lieben- Reisz (Germany) and Dr. Lee de Forest (USA). A1309 |
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FLEMING DIODE COMMERCIAL TYPE, 1910's A commercial type of the original Fleming diode, it has a flat plate anode and is covered in a gauze screen to protect it from external electric fields. A1310 |
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TELEFUKEN RS5 VALVE, 1918 The R.S.5. was an RS4 with improved performance being produced at a rate of 25 per day in 1918. A1307 |
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MARCONI RECTIFIER MR1 VALVE, 1919 Marconi MR1 (Marconi Rectifier No1). Similar to the unit that would have been used to power the transmitter for the first broadcast from Savoy Hill in 1922, in which Dame Nelly Melba Sang. A0713 |
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CATHODE RAY OSCILLAGRAPH, 1930's A Later version having an Octal base, of the Brimar 'Cathode-Ray Oscillagraph', similar to the 'Tunograph' but used to monitor modulating current for experimental purposes. A1304 |
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MULLARD U30 RECTIFIER VALVE, 1920's Early Rectifier valve made by Mullard Valves in the early 1920's. A0789 |
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OSRAM GEC BARRETTER, 1930's Barretters are temperature sensitive resistors used for stabilising voltages in wireless receivers, usually powering the heater circuits, of AC/DC receivers. A0693 |
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A SELECTION OF EARLY TRANSISTORS AND MINIATURE VALVES, 1950's A Selection of Transistors and miniature valves, also a mercury wetted relay with box. A1322 |
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ENGLISH ELECTRIC TRAVELLING WAVE TUBE N1001 VALVE, 1963 Micro Wave amplifying device that works by slowing the electrons through a coil of wire so that the beam of electrons running through it are caused to bunch. The signal through the wire is slower because it has further to travel, hence the name,Travelling Wave Tube. A0857 |
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NIXITUBES ZM1040 AND ZM1020, 1960's Glass tubes with 10 numbers inside one behind the other, viewed from the front and filled with neon gas. as each number is connected to a high voltage it glows. One side view and one end view. Used in Calculator machines such as the 'Anita' See Item A1157. The early computers of the 1940s and 1950s used the mature vacuum tube technology of the day. In the 1950s and early 1960s transistors were new and undergoing rapid development. They were also expensive and prone to catastrophic failure if badly treated electrically. So it is no surprise that the first commercially successful electronic desktop calculator used vacuum tube technology. View 1 comment about this objectA0854 |
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OSRAM CMG8 PHOTO CELL VALVE, 1937 Osram CMG8 or CV1432 early Photo Cell,of the Caesium type Gas filled. Designed for acoustic reproduction and general purpose applications. View 1 comment about this objectA0712 |
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CONTINENTAL ELECTRIC SC609A PHOTO CELL VALVE, 1920's Early Photo Cell possibly for Movie projectors with sound and other applications. Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0711 |
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CAGO68T PHOTO CELL, 1920's Early Photo Cell for detecting light, origin unknown. Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0710 |
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PHOTOMULTIPLIER VALVE, 1960's Photomultiplier tubes (photomultiplier's or PMTs for short), members of the class of vacuum tubes, and more specifically photo tubes, are extremely sensitive detectors of light in the ultraviolet, visible and near infra-red. These detectors multiply the signal produced by incident light by as much as 100 million times (i.e., 80 dB), enabling (for example) single photons to be individually detected when the incident flux of light is very low. The combination of high gain, low noise, high frequency response and large area of collection has earned photomultiplier's an essential place in nuclear and particle physics, astronomy, medical diagnostics including blood tests, medical imaging and motion picture film scanning (telecine). Semiconductor devices, particularly avalanche photo diodes, compete with them, but photomultiplier's are uniquely well-suited for applications requiring low-noise, high-sensitivity detection of light which is imperfectly collimated. While photomultiplier's are extraordinarily sensitive and moderately efficient, research is still under way to create a photon-counting light detection device that is >99% efficient; such a detector is of interest for applications related to quantum information and quantum cryptography. Elements of photomultiplier technology, integrated differently, are the basis of night vision devices. A0709 |
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DECATRON CV2325 TUBE, 1960's Decatron decade counting tube basically ten cold cathode tubes in one. A0707 |
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RAYTHEON 2J50 MAGNETRON VALVE, 1980's Magnetron for Microwave communications. A0708 |
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15R EIMAC VALVE, 1940 Eimac 15R Diode of 1940. Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0701 |
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5 C-450A STC VALVE, 1950 Pentode amplifying valve of 1950. Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0647 |
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AJ20 COSSOR 80P 35 VALVE, 1930's Triode valve for audio use. View 1 comment about this objectA0593 |
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STC MERCURY VAPOUR 3V/531E VALVE, 1940's Mercury vapour type rectifier made by S.T.C. Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0651 |
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CV35 KLYSTRON REFLEX VALVE, 1942 CV35 Reflex Klystron of 1935. A klystron is a specialized velocity modulated vacuum tube (evacuated electron tube). The pseudo-Greek word klystron comes from a Greek verb referring to the action of waves breaking against a shore, and the end of the word electron. A0666 |
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8012 RCA VALVE, 1940 8012 RCA UHF Triode of 1940.It was used in equipment designed for jamming German Radar, particularly the APQ9 Radar jamming unit. Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0664 |
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BT5 THYRATRON VALVE, 1938 BT5 Thyratron made in 1938 by A.E.I. in there Lincoln factory, which later became the Semiconductor division. Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0660 |
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GT5E GAS FILLED RELAY OSRAM TRIODE, 1940's Osram Gas filled relay, actually a triode valve acting as a high power switch. Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0657 |
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DA 100 TALKIE VALVE, 1930's Power amplifier Triode Made by the Marconi Osram Valve Company, with a capability of 100 Watts. Using Molybdemum electrodes and Oxide coated filament designed specifically for use in output stages of power amplifiers. A0646 |
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450 TL EIMAC VALVE 1930's, 1940's High Powered Triode, made in the late 30's early 40's. A0650 |
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388A WESTERN ELECTRIC DOOR KNOB VALVE, 1938 Western Electric 388A UHF Triode of 1938. Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0652 |
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CV1076 DA41 MOV VALVE, 1930's Power triode with Anode connection made to the top cap. The valves had carbon anodes with a dissipation of 40 Watts and were designed to work in Push-Pull pairs operating in class B. This class of audio circuit was both inexpensive and very efficient. A0596 |
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CV19/J RECTIFIER, 1940's Rectifier up to 250KV @ 123Ma Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0200 |
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2G/47 4C STC, 1930's High voltage rectifier, with large Edison screw base. Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0587 |
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SU750 COSSOR, 1930's High Voltage Rectifier Valve, with twist base. Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0589 |
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RAYTHEON B-H TYPE B VALVE, 1930's Raytheon BH type B Cold Cathode Rectifier. A0610 |
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XP2 HIVAC MINITURE VALVE, 1936 Triode of 1936 with a DA4 pin base. View 1 comment about this objectA0615 |
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EARLY COSSOR X-RAY TUBE, 1900's An early X-Ray tube that has been over driven by Mr Lee, Causing an element to drop, before he donated it to the museum. On the top is a pillar containing Asbestos which when charged by high voltage re-gassed the tube. A0639 |
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JENNINGS 12Pf CAPACITOR VC12, 1940's Glass vacuum capacitor value 12 Pf 20kv extremely low leakage. Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0210 |
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GEC PR 3B, 1930's High voltage rectifier. Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0586 |
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SU2150A CV 1120 COSSOR, 1936 High Voltage Rectifier Valve, used in pre war oscilloscopes and other equipment. Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0594 |