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Triode of 1936 with a DA4 pin base.
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- I believe it was the XP2.0 that I re-discovered in the Marconi Absorption Wave meter Type 680 A/4. It was prior to 1948 that my Father, who used to construct wireless's, offered such valves to me so that I might build a miniature wireless. I still think about this, encouraged by the circuit described in F J Camm's book Practical Wireless Circuits, 16th edition (1954). Some characteristics of the valve are given in P H Brans's Radio Tube Vade-Mecum 6th Edition (1946) as follows: triode output valve, filament 2V 0.08amp, anode 50V 2mA, grid bias -3V, amplification factor 6, mutual conductance 1 mA/V.
My reason for going on this site is that I wanted the characteristic curve if only to deduce the power output. I was not successful.
.......... Michael A Marshall, Rustington, West Sussex, United Kingdom, 19th of January 2012
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