Home: Scientific
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LABORATORY CENTRIFUGE, 1950's A Laboratory Centrifuge is used to separate fluids gases or liquids based on density i.e. Cream from milk, by spinning at very high speeds. On this unit the lever under the base can control the speed. Be the first to write a comment about this objectA1688 |
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SIMMANCE FLICKER PHOTOMETER CIRCA 1920, circa 1920 A Flicker Photometer is used to compare two sources of light by alternating them with a clockwork disc that reflects them through a viewing tube. One light source is presented to the tube on the left and positioned onto a cross hair at the end of the tube; the same is done for the second light source through the other tube opposite. Both tubes are then lifted revealing the white disc inside. Winding the clockwork motor up and screwing in the speed control on the other side of the box will cause the reflecting disk to rotate; the disc is bevelled once on both sides to 45 degrees but 180 degrees opposite each other, reflecting the light upwards alternately. By viewing the result through the brass tube in the middle, which can be focused by pulling the lens outwards, the flickering light sources can be compared. When both sources are equal irrespective of colour the flickering will reduce. If both lights are of the same colour the disc will appear to become stationary. Uses for this instrument are in Photography and Optometry among many others, before being replaced with electronic equipment. A1612 |
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PITH BALL ELECTROSCOPE, 1950's Pith ball for demonstrating Electrostatic energy, when the rod is rubbed with silk it generates a static charge which attracts the ball when placed in its proximity. Invented by British weaver's apprentice John Canton in 1754. This model was used by schools from the 1950's, and made by Philip Harris Ltd. Be the first to write a comment about this objectA1528 |
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CROOKES TUBE WITH EVACUATION PORT, 1930's For observing the Litho of discharge effects at different pressures. The invention of the diffusion pump by the German physicist Wolfgang Gaede in 1915, with important improvements by the American chemist Irving Langmuir, to which several different types of discharge tubes could be connected to remove the atmosphere.The most famous one is the Lenard tube, invented much earlier. (See The Cathode Ray tube site, Crookes tubes page 3) A1382 |
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ZAMBONI PILES, 1954 A Zamboni pile is an "electrostatic battery" and is constructed from discs of silver foil, zinc foil, and paper. Discs of approx. 20 mm diameter are assembled in stacks which may be several thousand discs thick and then either compressed in a glass tube. Zamboni piles have output potentials in the kilovolt range, but current output in the nanoampere range. The famous Oxford Electric Bell which has been ringing continuously since 1840 is thought to be powered by a pair of Zamboni piles. A1359 |
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OERTLING SCIENTIFIC BALANCE, 1950's By means of a prism and viewing screen, illuminated by a torch bulb, the miniature scale can be read accurately. A0125 |
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PHILIP HARRIS SCALES, 1950's Simple version of scales used in Laboratories and workshops. Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0124 |
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OERTLING PRECISION BALANCE, 1970's Model 142 Scientific Scales used by Chemists and Laboratories. View 3 comments about this objectA1043 |
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TESLA COIL, 1950's The Tesla Coil was originally designed by Nicola Tesla in 1891 to produce very high voltages. His theories eventually lead to a possible means of transmitting power via a large aerial, replacing power lines, although the first aerial was made in America it never became a practicality. This is a model made for classrooms. A1022 |
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GRIFFIN AND GEORGE RUHMKORFF INDUCTION COIL, 1950's In 1857, after examining a greatly improved version made by an American inventor, Edward Samuel Ritchie, Ruhmkorff improved his design (as did other engineers), using glass insulation and other innovations to allow the production of sparks more than 30 centimetres long. A1156 |
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PHILIP HARRIS RUHMKORFF INDUCTION COIL, 1930's Shown working, with the 6 inch spark. A0947 |
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EUREKA 6 INCH RUHMKORFF INDUCTION COIL, 1930's Electromagnetic induction was discovered by Michael Faraday (1791-1867). A0135 |
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5 INCH INDUCTION COIL, 1950's In several of Jules Verne's science-fiction novels, so-called "Ruhmkorff lamps" are mentioned. These were an early form of portable electric lamp. The lamp consisted of a Geissler tube that was powered by a battery-powered Ruhmkorff induction coil, an example of one (made much later)is shown here. View 1 comment about this objectA0966 |
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LECLANCHE CELL, 1896 The cell was invented by Georges Leclanche' in 1866, it is the forerunner of modern Zinc Carbon dry cells. In the centre is a porous cylinder filled with Manganese Dioxide and in the centre of this is a carbon rod. Outside of the cylinder is a zinc rod. The jar would normally be filled with Ammonium Chloride. The Positive terminal is the carbon rod and the zinc is negative. The voltage obtained is 1.5 Volts. A0186 |
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GRENET CELL, 1888 The power source used by Thomas Edison for his perfected Phonograph of 1888. The Grenet cell was invented by the German Johan Christian Poggendorff (1796-1877). Called Grenet Cell because he made a practical version possible. Used as a source of power before the Dry Battery became available. It consists of three plates in a jar filled with 17 parts potassium dichromate dissolved in 100 parts of distilled water with the addition of 22 parts sulphuric acid. The two positive plates are made of retort graphite, the negative Zinc that can be raised or lowered into the solution; this prevents corrosion when not in use. These units come in varying sizes from 1/3 to 3 Litres. A0185 |
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SMALL ELECTROSCOPE IN LABORATORY FLASK, 1890's Used for the the detection of electrostatic charges. If a charged item such as a Ebonite rod that has been rubbed is held near the the brass terminal, the small foil leaf will deflect away from the mounting. A1149 |
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ELECTROSCOPE, 1900's The Electroscope was used for the the detection of electrostatic charges. If a charged item, (such as an Ebonite rod that has been rubbed) is held near the the brass terminal, the gold leaf will deflect away from the mounting. Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0259 |
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PHILIP HARRIS ELECTROSCOPE, 1890's Used for the the detection of electrostatic charges. If a charged item such as a Ebonite rod that has been rubbed is held near the the brass terminal, the gold leaf will deflect away from the mounting. A1148 |
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TANDY 160 IN ONE, 1980's Hobby kit for children and adults to learn electronics. A popular pastime from the 1900's to the 1980's. A version of this equipment can still be found today, and is still used as a teaching aid. View 2 comments about this objectA0104 |
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R & J BECK MICROSCOPE, 1900's Microscope for medical and scientific use in laboratories and colleges. Complete with slides lens's and accessories. James Smith, a scientific instrument maker, commenced making microscopes in 1839 and took Richard Beck into partnership in 1847 trading as Smith & Beck at 6 Coleman Street, London. In 1851 Joseph Beck, the brother of Richard Beck, started working for the firm and became a partner in 1857 when the business name became Smith, Beck & Beck. When Smith retired in 1865 the business address was 31 Cornhill and the trading name changed to R & J Beck. Be the first to write a comment about this objectA1365 |
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MICROSCOPE, 1900's Simple brass microscope, still in excellent working order, the wooden box is very basic. View 1 comment about this objectA0126 |
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6 GRIFFIN AND TATLOCK VACUUM TUBES IN A RACK, 1950's The Cross vacuum scale demonstrates the phenomenon of discharge at different pressures. The pressure in the tubes varies between 40 Torr (mm/Hg), the lowest vacuum in the left tube, to 0.03 Torr the highest vacuum in the right tube. A0948 |
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HILGER SPECTROMETER, 1960's A spectrometer is an optical instrument used to measure properties of light over a specific portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, typically used in spectroscopic analysis to identify materials. The variable measured is most often the light's intensity but could also, for instance, be the polarization state. This equipment uses the 'Spekker' Principal, a Registered Trade Mark. A1522 |
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ABSORBIOMETER, 1940's A spectrometer is an optical instrument used to measure properties of light over a specific portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, typically used in spectroscopic analysis to identify materials. The variable measured is most often the light's intensity but could also, for instance, be the polarization state. A0915 |
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PHOTO ELECTRIC ABSORBIOMETER, 1950's Using the 'Spekker' Principal and used for the analyses of Iron. A known sample is placed on one side of the lamp, and the specimen on the other. Filters are added, and the refraction of light is used to measure the unknown sample against the known one, using a Galvanometer. This Field of research is associated with Spectrometry A0912 |
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MAGNET, 1960's Could have been used in experiments on Magnetrons. View 3 comments about this objectA0946 |
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GEISSLER TUBES One tube Marked 6132 for Helium. One Marked 6130 for Nitrogen. The others marked Oxegen Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide. Heinrich Geissler (1814-1879) The Geissler tube is a glass tube for demonstrating the principles of electrical glow discharge. The tube was invented by the German physicist and glass-blower Heinrich Geissler in 1857. The Geissler tube was an evacuated glass cylinder with an electrode at each end, it would contain one or more of the following rarefied (thinned) gasses, such as neon, argon, or air, mercury or other conductive liquids, or ionizable minerals or metals, such as sodium. When a high voltage is applied to the terminals, an electrical current flows through the tube. The current will disassociate electrons from the gas molecules, creating ions, and when electrons recombine with the ions, different lighting effects are created. The light will be characteristic of the material contained within the tube and will be composed of one or more narrow spectral lines. The museum has several Geissler Tubes which can be demonstrated. View 2 comments about this objectA0969 |
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5 X GEISSLER TUBES, 1950's Illuminated Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0969 |
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CROOKES TUBE, 1950's Used in class rooms to demonstrate high voltage effects on evacuated tubes,or Cathode Rays. Sir William Crookes circa 1875. (1832-1919) The Railway tube or Paddle Wheel demonstrates Kinetic Energy. A0264 |
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CROOKES TUBE, 1950's Illuminated Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0264 |
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CROOKES TUBE 'MALTESE CROSS', 1930's Used to demonstrate cathode rays. A negative voltage is connected to the small end and a positive connected to the cross. The tube is evacuated of air, and when the voltage is applied, electrons (cathode rays) travel from the small electrode towards the cross, some hit the cross while others carry on and illuminate the end of the tube leaving a well defined shadow. This was the first cathode ray tube, probably attributed to Johann Wilhelm Hittorf in 1869, the same period as Crookes was experimenting. Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0265 |
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MALTESE CROSS, 1950's Illuminated Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0265 |
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GEISSLER TUBE, 1950's Used to demonstrate the effects of high voltage on liquids and gases in Schools and Universities. The yellow area is a liquid called Fluorescein, the Green Glass is Uranium Glass which is the element that glows, the elements are producing three colours in all, which glow yellow, green and violet, when hit by electrons created by a very high voltage, A0883 |
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GEISSLER TUBE, 1950's Illuminated Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0883 |
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GEISSLER TUBE, 1950's Geissler tubes, were named after the man who first devised them (1814-1879), to demonstrate the effect of high voltages on different gases or air that has been rarefied. This one would have been made for a University or College. The Geissler tube is a glass tube for demonstrating the principles of electrical glow discharge. The tube was invented by the German physicist and glassblower Heinrich Geissler in 1857. The Geissler tube was an evacuated glass cylinder with an electrode at each end. A Geissler tube contains one or more of the following rarefied (thinned) gasses, such as neon, argon, or air; mercury or other conductive liquids. When a high voltage is applied to the terminals, an electrical current flows through the tube. The current will disassociate electrons from the gas molecules, creating ions, and when electrons recombine with the ions, different lighting effects are created. The light will be characteristic of the material contained within the tube and will be composed of one or more narrow spectral lines. Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0851 |
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GEISSLER TUBE, 1950's Illuminated Be the first to write a comment about this objectA0851 |
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SMALL CROOKES TUBE WITH CRYSTALS, 1890's Used in class rooms to demonstrate high voltage effects on evacuated tubes and enclosed crystals. Sometimes referred to as a 'Cows Udder'. A1150 |
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SMALL CROOKES TUBE WITH CRYSTALS Illuminated Be the first to write a comment about this objectA1150b |
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CROOKES TUBE WITH BUTTERFLY, 1950's Used in class rooms to demonstrate high voltage effects on evacuated tubes and Chemicals. The butterfly is made of metal, coated in different minerals, when the electrons hit the elements they glow in the associated colour for that type. The principal is similar to a modern fluorescent tube. We can demonstrate this item in the museum along with a number of other electrical objects. A1135 |
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CROOKES TUBE WITH BUTTERFLY, 1900's Illuminated Be the first to write a comment about this objectA1135 |
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WIMSHURST MACHINE, 1890's This electrostatic device was invented between 1880-1883 by British inventor James Wimshurst. It was used for generating high voltages, the machines were frequently used to power X Ray tubes. A1153 |
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WIMSHURST GENERATOR, 1950's Wimshurst built these machines between 1880 and 1883. A0114 |