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Soldiers standard issue compass for WW2 and WW1.
Your comments:
- We used these at the Brambling House Independant School in the mid-1960s for the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme. Nearly fifty years later, I still get my Ordnance Survey maps and a compass identical with this one out and go through the prismatic sighting procedure. Brings back fond memories and helps to stave off the onset of senile dementia (hopefully).
.......... David Murray, Staveley, Derbyshire, Great Britain., 26th of October 2011
- Also I have seen one very similar but with the words and numbers in Arabic, since it was built by "Nistri - Rome and handed over to Somali troops in the colonial period.
.......... Marco Bensi, Latina, 28th of February 2011
- Ciao sono Fabrizio ,ricordo di aver visto una bussola simile da un collezionista vicino roma .era datata 1940 MK III sulla parte posteriore ,รจ possibile? Il VS sito l'ha datata 1943 ...grazie per la sicura risposta ..Saluti
Hello they are Fabrizio, memory to have seen one similar compass from near collector .era Rome dated 1940 MK III on the posterior part, possible? The VS situated has dated it 1943. thanks for the sure answer. Salutes
.......... fabrizio, parma, 5th of February 2010
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