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Ultrasonic cleaning unit. We are not sure how it should be used, it looks like the large round unit is placed but not submerged in the water amongst the material to be cleaned, and there may have been a stand as the sonic element is in the base.
A label attached by a previous collector said 'similar to Vibrasonic'.
Item moved from the Mysteries section.
Bruce Hammond Collection
Your comments:
- My mum had one of these and I still have it today.
She would place it on top of the washing in the sink, or on top of blankets in the bath and leave it to do its work. I do not know how long she left it for. It vibrated the dirt out apparently. She always said it did a great job.
.......... Sylvia Colburn, Mauchline, Ayrshire, 1st of April 2019
- I remember my mother having one like this but a different shape utilising some cones that were in the water while the electric mechanism was above the water surface as I recall. It was placed in the wash tub with the clothes all around it and with the soap flakes/powder. The device vibrated and produced a gentle shaking motion in the water and clothes. Some small rippling of the water surface and it made a 50 cycle buzzing sound.
.......... Denis Colbourn , Penrith NSW Australia, 20th of November 2013
- I have one of these too, but it is missing the cream box on the end of the wire, glad I didn't put a plug on it now and plug it into the mains supply.
I have been told that it is a Laundry agitator, as in the laundry is placed in the washing bowl or the sink along with detergent and water. The Laundmaster is then held on top of the laundry and moved around whilst the plate underneath vibrates the surrounding water and cloth so that the vibrations remove the dirt from the cloth.
.......... Pablo, London Uk, 12th of May 2010
- From Google Books: Electrical Times Vol. 137 - 1960 "..Laundmaster sonic washing aid...". I would guess that it works on the same principle as a sonic jewellery cleaner. It appears to have a flat base so I assume that this was for passing over fabric in a similar way to an iron, and that the sound waves would remove the dirt.
.......... S Sissons, Hemel Hempstead, 19th of March 2010
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