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Microphone for use with a variety of Transceivers during and after World War Two.
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- I just acquired one labelled 'NO.4A' from eBay recently. Required anywhere from 1.5v to 4.5v (DC) to run, and it seems best performance can be obtained at about 3v (at least with the one I've got). Power source goes in series with the microphone, and once mic is powered works very well with transistor amplifiers.
.......... Erik, Brisbane, 9th of June 2015
- I have a very similar microphone, its is labelled: MICROPHONE HAND No 8, and on the rear: ZA13859. The mouth piece is contoured and not flat like the one in the picture. No 3 also has a two pin plug only, mine has 4 wires, the plug has been cut off, I am hoping to be able to wire it up and use it, I have yet to trace the circuit, wondering if there is a transformer inside, as carbon microphones require, to operate, but it does not look like there is any room in there for a transformer.
.......... Michael Blackburn, Sydney, Australia, 15th of September 2013
- I have a version of this mic with a Bakelite Plate screwed over the top of the ARMY HAND MIC No.3, it reads RAF MIC 10A/14844 TYPE 49
I have not seen this on any other Mic of this type is this unusual?
.......... Matthew French, Swindon, 14th of May 2013
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