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It has been said that this transmitter was used to ring the Division Bell in the Houses of Parliament and that one of the units was destroyed by a bomb during the Second World War; this however is unit No 2 and is alive and well. Only five units were made, so we believe.
When a plunger is pushed on the top of the unit the gears are turned thus winding up a weight hanging below. The weight starts to fall turning the mechanism. At the end of the gear line is an air type governor which controls the speed of fall; also connected is a rocker controlling two contacts which change alternately; these contacts are wired to terminals on the side of the unit
Your comments:
- Not a Post Office Transmitter No 2' - the Vocabulary of Engineering Stores' indicates that is the transmitter used on early local battery pillar (candlestick) and wooden wallphones. Two of these senders were auctioned of at the BT Museum Auction in 2002 as Lot 355. I have a photo of them. One subsequently appeared on the Antiques Road Show on BBC TV with the owner claiming " it was the only one to exist ".
.......... Ian J, North Wales, 18th of December 2015
- Number 3 is in store at Connected Earth at Amberley Museum & Heritage Centre in Sussex
.......... Rob Bashford, Littlehampton UK, 2nd of February 2015
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