View all Tape Recorders
Early pre Cassette recorder for domestic use, although it states Double Track it is not stereo, it simply refers to the possibility of turning the tape over.
Your comments:
- Still have one very similar in it's original box. I think I bought it in 1967/8.
Almost the same as your model except mine has a white handle.
.......... Philip Lambert, Cirencester Glos, 17th of April 2014
- I bought one of these Tiny Pal reel to reel recorders in an electrical shop in Drogheda in Ireland in the 1960s. I used to write short stories and plays for the radio at the time, and used the little Tiny Pal to record them, usually from the car radio, if I was otherwise engaged, and listen to them later, and it worked very well indeed. Just came across it in a cupboard the other day and must get four Size C batteries and see if it still works, and if there is anything on the tape.
.......... Oliver Murray, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 1st of November 2011
- I also had a Tiny Pal, I had looked at the Philips EL3302 which cost about £20 back around 1965 when I was 10yrs old, but my parents wouldn't pay that much. We also got our Tiny Pal from Butherworth's in Yorkshire St, Rochdale. It cost about £10. The most infuriating thing about it was the lack of a fast forward function; and I remember swapping the reels and using the rewind to advance the tape!.
Mike Walley, still living in Rochdale
.......... Mike walley, Rochdale, 25th of April 2011
- I bought one of these from a shop called "Butterworths" (if I remember right) when I was 15 in December 1968. I first saw it in the window around end of October and noticed they had a card in the window and it said "Christmas Club", so I went in and found out you could make regular payments, and have it when paid for. I then got a paper round (there was always a newsagent asking for new kids), and nearly froze to death and got drowned in a bad winter, finally gave up and sacked myself and asked my Mum if she would give me the money - I was about £2.30p short. I had great fun with it and taped Albatross from Fleetwood Mac which I think had just come out. I somehow lost it ( possibly pulled it apart - tinkering etc.). I missed it, but recently found one on Ebay , working, for £6.00 total, so am "made up" again.
.......... Mario, Oldham, Lancashire, UK, 8th of November 2010
- I had one. Just great. I still have the tape on the 2in spools with the music I recorded back then from the radiogram.
.......... Bob, Huddersfield , 4th of August 2010
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