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WW1 pattern medical stretcher probably post WW2 no more information can be found for this item.
Donated by David John. Via The Western Front Association
Your comments:
- Furley stretchers were common in the Victoria State Emergency Service until ~2000, might still be a few kicking about.
The two important instructions prior to use were:
1. Kick the locking struts into position, do not use your hands.
2. Test before use (a large team member would lay on the stretcher & an other would sequentially lift the ends a few inches off the ground) This was to avoid unfortunate accidents resulting from a mouldy canvas web disintegrating beneath a casualty.
.......... Nigel Holmes, Moorabbin, Victoria, 1st of November 2014
- Similar stretchers were known as Furley strechers, named after Sir John Furley (1836 to 1919)who invented it in 1899. The 1901 St John Ambulance (SJA), manual by James Cantlie, First Aid to the Injured, has a chapter written by Sir John Furley, which has 3 versions: ordinary, telescopic handled and the Police (has straps to secure the patient). Each foot has small wheels, unlike the later versions. A 1912 SJA manual states these stretchers can fit on to litters (a stretcher on 2 cart wheels, still used at Camp Bastion). Johnson and Johnson's (USA)1918 first aid manual refers to a similar stretcher, but without the small wheels as the Army and Navy regulation stretcher. It also has a version which has crossed legs as Allen's combination stretcher and cot.
The Johnson manual features a 5 man method of carrying the stretcher instead of the SJA 6 man method, although SJA adapted a 4 man carrying method later.
St John Ambulance still use modern aluminium versions of these although now not carried on ambulances.
.......... Neil Bolden, Chelmsford / Essex United Kingdom., 29th of January 2014
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